- #Middle earth shadow of mordor goty or season pass for free#
- #Middle earth shadow of mordor goty or season pass plus#
Each stand-alone DLC are available for separate purchase too. WB Games and Monolith are offering a Season Pass and its initial price is just as much as you would pay if you get the Gold Edition.

If you have purchased the Gold or Platinum Edition or have the Season Pass, you do not need to get the Definitive Edition. The newly announced Definitive Edition is very similar to the Gold Edition. The Story Expansions introduce a new campaign, playable character and new abilities, bonus missions, enemies, allies and more.
#Middle earth shadow of mordor goty or season pass plus#
The Nemesis Expansions contain a new Orc Tribe each as well as new enemies, followers, missions, abilities, weapons, Fortress and wilderness updates, plus a Mythiic Gear Chest.

#Middle earth shadow of mordor goty or season pass for free#
You get access to the full game as it was released, but any additional content that is added at a later point, will be unavailable to you, unless it is released for free (like the Forthog Orc-Slayer special DLS) This is the base version of the game and offers nothing as an extra in terms of additional content (DLC). Let’s take a look at what each one of the 3 versions has to offer.